Red Light Therapy as a Weight Loss Solution

Red Light Therapy Body Contouring is a state-of-the-art technology using LEDs that emit infrared and near-infrared light directly to the body part where you want to lose fat. The specific wavelengths of the LED light penetrate fat cells and break them apart. Your body eliminates the broken-down fat naturally. This unique weight-loss treatment is a pain-free way to eliminate stubborn body fat without fad diets or exercise! Contact us to find out how we can help you get rid of stubborn body fat.

No Pain, Non-Invasive
Doesn't leave marks
Increase Collagen & Elastin

Try Red Light Therapy for $37! Book Your Session!

Fill out the form and submit your payment to book your Red Light Therapy Weight Loss Session today! We'll contact you once we receive your form to schedule your session. Thank you!

What is Red Light Therapy and How Does It Work?

Red Light Therapy uses LED microchips that emit infrared and near-infrared light on top of the skin which sends specific wavelengths of light to the unwanted fat underneath. Empirical tests have shown that this red light effectively breaks down fat cells, which harmlessly release their contents into the bloodstream.

See for yourself why Red Light Therapy is becoming known as the easiest way to lose fat and shape your body:

  • Effective – Red Light Therapy has been tested and proven to break down fat cells!
  • Safe – There are no side effects, and you don’t have to take any pills/supplements!
  • Painless – The procedure is non-invasive and pain-free!
  • Easy – No need for hours at the gym!

Resources to learn more about Red Light Therapy:

Red Light Therapy Body Contorting is a pain-free, no-diet, non-invasive weight loss solution and is available at Harcourt Chiropractic Office in York, Pennsylvania
Red Light Therapy is available at Harcourt Chiropractic Office

Red Light Therapy Works!

  • Promote Fat Reduction: Red Light Therapy stimulates fat cells to break down, potentially leading to targeted fat loss and body contouring.
  • Improve Skin Appearance: Studies suggest red light therapy helps tighten skin and reduce the appearance of cellulite.
  • Support Skin Health: Red Light Therapy has been shown to increase collagen and elastin production, which contributes to smoother, younger-looking skin.
  • Enhance Energy Levels: Research indicates Red Light Therapy improves cellular energy production, which leads to increased energy levels.
  • Boost Circulation: Whole-body vibration therapy improves circulation, potentially aiding in nutrient delivery and waste removal.

For Only $37 You Can See For Yourself the Proven, Effective Results of Red Light Therapy! This is a limited-time promotion! Regularly Priced at $99, don’t miss this chance to look good and feel good!

New Client Promotion

Try Body Contouring Red Light Therapy for only $37

Normally $99, now is your chance to try this high-tech method for fat loss and body contouring!

Try Red Light Therapy for $37! Book Your Session!

Fill out the form and submit your payment to book your Red Light Therapy Weight Loss Session today! We'll contact you once we receive your form to schedule your session. Thank you!

Your Session Will Include:

Red Light Therapy: Imagine using light to target fat cells! Red LED light penetrates your skin, reaching fat cells and stimulating them to break down. Your body then eliminates this broken-down fat naturally.

Whole-Body Vibration Therapy: This treatment complements red light therapy by potentially accelerating the removal of the broken-down fat cells. Vibration therapy may also help increase muscle mass, improve circulation, and even regulate serotonin levels, potentially improving your mood.

Track Your Progress: To help you monitor your results, we’ll perform a whole-body composition analysis. This scan provides a detailed report on your body fat composition, metabolic rate, and weight-related health markers. You’ll also receive a personalized weight loss assessment and consultation from our team of wellness experts.

In short, with one treatment session you will get a non-invasive way to:

  • Target fat cells with red light therapy.
  • Potentially accelerate fat removal with vibration therapy.
  • Track your progress with a body composition analysis.
  • Get personalized guidance from our wellness experts.


proven results from one all-inclusive red light therapy session for weight loss and body contouring

Try Red Light Therapy for $37! Book Your Session!

Fill out the form and submit your payment to book your Red Light Therapy Weight Loss Session today! We'll contact you once we receive your form to schedule your session. Thank you!

No Commitment! Only $37 For Your First Session!

(Regularly Priced at $99)

We Track Your Body Contouring Results!

We use the Styku 3D body scanning system to objectively track your measurements, shape and body composition progress!

body contouring styku 3d scan is available at Harcourt Chiropractic Office in York PA
The Styku 3D Body Scanning System tracks your body contouring results at Harcourt Chiropractic so that you can objectively see your progress towards your health goals

Book Your Appointment Today!

See how easy and effective just one Red Light Therapy session can be for your weight loss journey for only $37!

Try Red Light Therapy for $37! Book Your Session!

Fill out the form and submit your payment to book your Red Light Therapy Weight Loss Session today! We'll contact you once we receive your form to schedule your session. Thank you!